Vonk Cheese

Our products are produced and packaged in different ways, depending on their ingredients and their purpose. Why? To ensure the best quality and user-friendliness. Our products are delivered chilled, frozen or IQF (Individual Quick Frozen). Find out more on each product page.

All of our products are made with care for

Vonk Cheese,
A familiar face in the industry

Hi there. We’re Vonk Cheese, a respected name in the cheese industry. Why?
We’re celebrated for our artisanal approach, impeccable quality, and innovative flavors.
Our range – from grated and shredded cheese to cheese slices, appetizers, and sauces – suits wholesale, foodservice, retail, and industrial needs. We offer both existing and custom dairy products at premium quality, including private labeling for larger clients.
Looking for tailored solutions? And a long-lasting partnership built on trust and innovation? Then…